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Weight loss journey - Week 2

Hello and welcome to Week 2 of my weight loss journey!~

So, after a pretty successful first week (1 kg weekly weight loss in a sustainable, no extreme calorie cuts is pretty good in my opinion), I'm back with week 2. Not gonna lie, coming back to blogging after a damn long time has really boosted my creative inspiration and documenting is holding me accountable so I can't drift too much as I'll have to write it down here. You can find my week 1 progress post here.

Week 1 Weight Chart

So, what you see above is last week's weight chart. The app I use is called Happy Scale and I've been using this for many years. Since 2019, to be precise (I'm not sponsored, I just love this app very much lol). It tracks your weight and shows you future predictions based on your current weight loss trends. You can set your own target and split your weight loss into smaller milestones. What's great is that the app calculates averages, therefore if your weight goes up and down (because it's normal and it happens a lot during weight loss), you will still be in the green because on average you are losing. Every time you have a new goal to work on, you can just hide old entries and start like it's new (that's why my chart only shows 7 entries). So the goal that I've set myself is to lose 0.5 kg per week (being realistic here, but obviously anything over that is a bonus!). But the app has made some calculations and my current rate is 0.8 kg per week, therefore I should reach my final goal in about 9 months (yikes lol). Anyway, if you'd like to check it out, here's their website: Happy Scale. Unfortunately, it's only available on iOS for now. 

Week 2 Day 1

Weight: no change (0 kg weekly total, -1 kg total). 

Breakfast: jollof rice with spinach and 2 eggs. 

Lunch: homemade veggie soup with a dollop of soya yoghurt; banana with peanut butter.

Dinner: egg fried rice. 

Snack: mini scone with butter, apple. 

Total calories: ~1442 kcal

Workout: no workout today.

Week 2 Day 2

Weight: +0.2 kg (+0.2 kg weekly total, -0.8 kg total).

Breakfast: jollof rice with loads of spinach and 2 eggs.

Lunch: homemade veggie soup with a dollop of soya yoghurt; banana with peanut butter.

I'm doing a pretty low calorie day today because I want to accelerate the losing a little bit. Also my husband is home for the weekend and if we decide to cook something nice, I can't resist it lmao. The macros for the day ended up quite high in carbs, but only cos of beans and potatoes in the soup. Either way, it's very good for you so there's no need to worry about a little bit of carbs. Also that soup fills me up so much, I can't believe it's so low in calories!

By the way, I'm tracking my macros and calories through MyFitnessPal (still, after many years lol). I'm using a free version. Since I'm not a body builder or anything like that I don't see the need to use full functions just for my personal non-professional use lol. 

Dinner: homemade veggie soup with a dollop of soya yoghurt, homemade beer.

Total calories: ~1190 kcal

Just as I was typing how I'll be reducing calories, husband comes back and offers to have a glass of my homemade beer together (yes, I brew beer) and I simply can't resist haha. I still ate pretty well and stayed within the calorie range I planned to. 

Workout: no workout today.

Week 2 Day 3

Weight: -0.2 kg (no change in weekly total, -1 kg total).

Breakfast: oat porridge with peanut butter, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, dried cranberries and bee pollen. 

Week 2 Day 3 Breakfast

Husband made way too much porridge. Since I started tracking my food and reducing calories a week+ ago, I have a very little appetite so this was a huge bowl for me and I didn't feel hungry for 5 hours straight after eating this, which is honestly impressive. 🤣

Lunch: homemade veggie soup with 2 plant based sausages and a dollop of soya yoghurt.

Beans for a new batch of soup

I've just finished my last batch of soup I made a couple of days ago so I soaked a mixture of 4 dried peas and beans. First time using black beans. Didn't realise they dye other beans. My normally white cannellini beans are now purple. ðŸ¤£

Week 2 Day 3 Dinner

Dinner: a small ladle of new veggie soup to taste; egg noodles with spam, peppers and a side of homemade kimchi. 

Total calories: ~1036 kcal.

Workout: no workout today.

Week 2 Day 4

Weight: +0.4 kg (+0.4 kg weekly total; -0.6 kg total).

So, even though I ate quite a small amount of calories yesterday, I did gain, which is the result of me eating dinner really late. Something to watch out for in the future!  

Breakfast: homemade veggie soup with a dollop of soya yoghurt.

Snack: croissant. 

Lunch: 2 plant based sausages, 2 eggs, sautéed spinach and mushrooms, tomato, chunky chips with some ketchup and mayo.

Here I started feeling some issues. I felt extremely bloated and heavy after eating this lunch. The issue is, that this used to be my normal lunch so I thought that this is probably just my endometriosis playing up but unfortunately, the heaviness lasted all day long. 

Snack: 2 pints of HPA ale at the pub.  

Not really a snack per se, but we do have to consider that alcohol contains quite a lot of calories. 

Dinner: homemade carbonara with mushrooms and spam; homemade tarte tatin aux pommes with vegan custard. 

This was so good. I haven't made carbonara for a while so made it too runny and didn't take any photos but it was delish. Husband made a homemade tarte tatin aux pommes, which is an upside down apple tart and it was so good. 🥲 Consumed way too many calories than it was planned but it's all worth it lol.

Total calories: ~1761 kcal

Workout: 50 minute session in the gym (a mixture of cardio on elliptical machine, barbel rows, curls, lat pulls). ~428 kcal burned.

Week 2 Day 5

Weight: -0.2 kg (+0.2 kg weekly total; -0.8 kg total).

Breakfast: homemade veggie soup with a dollop of soya yoghurt. 

Lunch: 2 plant based sausages, 2 eggs, sautéed spinach and mushrooms, tomato, chunky chips with some ketchup and mayo.

So, once again, after eating exactly the same lunch as yesterday, I started feeling heaviness/upset stomach. After having a discussion about this with husband, we started suspecting chips. Basically after closing the last business, we had a lot of potato chips leftover, so we've been eating them to try and make some space in the freezer. Normally potato chips don't cause me such a reaction but I'm assuming that due to the fact that this lunch is normally quite filling in itself, the chips just kinda make everything too heavy and my body might be reacting badly. It's also important to note that I do have a sensitive stomach. So, from now on I won't be having any chips on my regular lunch and I'll see what comes out of it. What a learning experience... 🙃

Dinner: miso glazed aubergine, spam, sesame seaweed, homemade kimchi with white rice; homemade tart satin aux pommel with vegan custard; a glass of homemade ale. 

Total calories: ~1471 kcal.

Workout: 40 minute session in the gym (a mixture of cardio on elliptical machine, squats and hip thrusts. ~168 kcal burned.

Not very happy how this week is going to be honest. It's almost the end of 2nd week and I haven't made any progress at all. There were a couple of evenings where I ate quite late and a couple of days where I didn't make the healthiest choices. Even though the calories aren't high and they're definitely below my BMR (basic metabolic rate, a.k.a. calories that you body burns to function), I don't seem to be losing weight. What a learning curve. Even after so many years of trying different diets I'm still learning something new and trying to improve. I hope I'll see some results in a few days... ðŸ™ƒ


Week 2 Day 6

Weight: -0.1 kg (+0.1 kg weekly total; -0.9 kg total).

Breakfast: homemade veggie soup with 2 plant based sausages and a dollop of soya yoghurt. 

Snack: digestive biscuit. 

Week 2 Day 6 Lunch

Ok this sandwich is the best. I randomly came up with it using a traditional French omelette as an inspiration. Basically folding things into an egg. It's so filling and is only around 450 kcal. I might need to make a video about it at some point haha.

Lunch: kimchi sandwich. 

Snack: clementine and butterfly pea tea latte. 

Don't get too confused about the tea latte thing. It's simply this blue tea from flowers that I picked up in Hong Kong made with lots of milk haha. 

Ok tomorrow is the last weigh-in for Week 2 and I'm desperate to see some results. I'll need to be strategic for my dinner for Day 6 as I'm already at 991 kcal. At least I'm not feeling heavy and bloated today!

Dinner: white rice, soft boiled egg, kimchi.

Kimchi is loaded with good bacteria and is great for your gut. In fact, any fermented foods is really good for your gut, so I highly recommend adding that to your diet!  

Total calories: ~1298 kcal

Workout: no workout today but lots of housework to keep me moving lol.


Week 2 Day 7

Weight: -0.3 kg (-0.2 kg weekly total; -1.2 kg total).

Milestone 1 achieved!

Yay! Milestone 1 hit! Apologies about the hidden numbers. I will share it once I've achieved more, but at the moment I'm very self conscious about it. Happy Scale has a brilliant function where you can divide you main goal into smaller milestones. I basically used a lot of increments to make 30 milestones. Seems excessive but I need that hit of serotonin when I reach a milestone. And they're in rather small increments that the new dose of serotonin isn't that far away haha. That sounds like an addictive personality but as long as you stay on track and do it in a healthy way, you'll be fine.

Breakfast: kimchi sandwich.

Snack: 1 clementine and 2 digestive biscuits.  

Lunch: homemade veggie soup with a dollop of soya yoghurt. 

Dinner: small bowl of homemade veggie soup with a dollop of soya yoghurt; banana with peanut butter.

Probably had too much peanut butter to be honest, but I was feeling a little hungry and thought that after eating soup for lunch and dinner, I needed something a little bit more substantial. 

Total calories: ~1218 kcal.

Workout: no workout today.

Week 2 is officially over! Due to rubbish week, my weight loss rate has dropped to 0.53 kg instead of 1 kg like it was, which predicts milestone 2 to happen in 2 weeks which is definitely not good enough, so believe me, I'll be working hard to fix this next week! 

Read my week 3 progress here!~

My Podcast: A Pint Of Rice | My IG: Lina B 🦭


Lina (Rinatsu)

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