My Podcast



 Oh, hi! It's been...8 years?? It almost feels weird yet somehow right..? How's it going, everyone?

Few days ago I started feeling nostalgia for certain things. I recently closed a business that I ran with my husband (yes, I'm married lol), which greatly affected me in a negative way and I've been struggling trying to find my creative bone again. I've been in hospitality industry for 10 years now and I sort of ended up hating it. Especially after running a hospitality business. That bloody k*lled me physically (almost) and mentally (definitely). I should probably write a separate blog post just about the experience I had with it because the story is a rollercoaster lol. I've met so many people through 10 years in hospitality and somehow all of them moved on with different things, yet I'm still here... It's because I am really good at it! Doesn't mean I enjoy it... You could sort of compare it to a useless skill to have. I guess it's not completely useless since it brings you money...but nothing to brag about really. It's inevitable that a creative soul will eventually burn out doing such repetitive and tedious jobs. 

So, it's been over a month since I've been out of this industry (at least for now) and I've been doing some soul searching. My husband suggested a career change (although I wouldn't even consider hospitality a career, especially the way hospitality workers are treated in Britain). So at the moment I'm going through some online studies. I have no idea where this will take me but I'm trying my best to work through mental issues and find myself again. 

In need of some cable management lol

So, all of this has made me remember something that I started almost 14 years ago. My blog! Omg isn't it just a great place to vent? Hahaha. Ok, not really the main purpose of it but yeah. What even is the main purpose of my blog, now that I think about it? I'm not even sure. Scrolling through the years of posts, I'm confused about it lol. From crafts, to movie "reviews", to make up "tutorials", to general life posts. Shall we call it lifestyle? Sure, let's go with that. Even though my life is a mess lol. 

Cute capsule treasures I got on my trip to Hong Kong, May 2023

So here I am, currently spending most of my days in front of the computer, as if it's mid-late 00s again lol. Let's see where this will take me, eh?

I'd say I'll update you all soon but I can't make promises. I'm not good with deadlines (yet). In the meantime, catch me on my other projects!

My Podcast: A Pint Of Rice | My IG: Lina B 🦭


Lina (Rinatsu)

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