(Note for those who understand Japanese: Sorry if this is some kind of perverted text or something that is extremely stupid. XDD I don't understand so much yet. Gomenasai. *bows* It was just to give more nicely look.)
Ok guys, I got some great news for you who have Google Chrome and have some problems with Japanese kanji and stuff. Most of newer computers with newer operational systems alouds to easily download foreign languages on your computer to use and be able to read their different characters but having old computer with old operational system gives a lot of troubles and you can't always just download it that easily.
I saw that lots of people are asking question what should they do, 'cause instead of Japanese there are just squares. I had the same problem. I don't have my operational system CD, I can't download full Japanese language pack. So accidentally I found resolve for this problem. Long ago I was downloading Japanese - Lithuanian dictionary and there were Japanese fonts added.
They work really good!! Try to download them and add to your Fonts folder. Should be in your main softwares' disc like mine: C:\WINDOWS\Fonts Here you should find all of your fonts. ;] And if it doesn't work... Then you'll have to bother yourself and every time you turn on your computer and want to surf into Japanese websites, you'll have to open & exit, open & exit these both font files. But it's worth it, right? ;]]
Oh, and if it worked, don't forget to say: THANK YOU!!! ;PP
Also, if you are having some problems visit the very first page this blog post appeared and read comments to find the answer or write your question under this post!
Problems settler ;DD ~Rinatsu~
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